Our Story
Act Fast is an Independent School borne out of a Community Interest Company, established in 2007 to provide alternative education for young people with learning and/or behavioural difficulties who do not flourish in mainstream schools.
Alternative provision is commissioned by local authorities (L.A) and schools for children of compulsory school age who cannot attend a mainstream or special school (because of illness or exclusion from school for example), or who are disaffected/disengaged from education and at risk of exclusion.
Act Fast works closely with the local education authority, Youth Offending Service and local community groups in and around the North Lincolnshire area, and we provide placements during school hours for young people during the whole scholastic year.
Providing staff and resources to promote a safe learning environment, encouraging individuals to re-engage in the learning process with a view to gaining confidence, improving their own future economic wellbeing and developing employability.
We at Act Fast pride ourselves on our family dynamic. Peter & Cheryl, husband and wife team, are the directors of Act Fast and ensure they are involved as much as possible in all areas of the School. Their children, Daniella and Kieran are also members of our team! Our team consists of a tight-knit group of individuals who also believe in our family-style approach in the workplace. We truly are like one big family.

A Warm Welcome From Peter & Cheryl
Welcome to our school!
We pride ourselves on our friendly, professional image and aim to support our staff and students as part of the Act Fast family. We value health, wellbeing and outdoor activities, which we embed into our school structure.
We want you to enjoy your time at Act Fast, and we actively look at ways of improving our school.
Peter Sembiante
Cheryl Sembiante
Proprietor & Principal
Proprietor & Business Manager
Accessing Act Fast

Act Fast NL Ltd (Act Fast) specialises in working with pupils aged between 11 and 25 with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP’s), statements of Special Educational Needs or, in some specific cases, those within the assessment process. Referrals are made through Schools and Local Authorities (LAs)
Each referral case will be viewed and considered independently. Pupils are admitted at any time during the school year and will follow a broad and ambitious curriculum timetabled to suit their development needs.
We welcome pupils of all faiths, cultures, race, and family backgrounds and are non-discriminatory in line with the Equality Act (2010) and Equal Opportunities policy. We will not discriminate on grounds of; gender, age, religion or belief, physical ability or disability, learning ability, other special needs or academic or sporting ability, race (including colour, nationality, ethnicity, family, cultural or linguistic background), sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy, or maternity (Protected Characteristics)
Admission is based on:
· Full and detailed information being supplied by the referring agency or school.
· A copy of the school/home agreement form or admissions form from the referring agency or school.
· A visit by the prospective learner and parent/carer.
We are committed to ensuring that the Admissions & Learner Register is maintained in accordance with Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2013. From the beginning of the first day on which it has been agreed that the pupil will attend, an entry will be made in the Admissions Register (School Admissions)
As an Independent School, the Principal reserves the right to refuse entry if the school’s structure does not meet the educational, pastoral, or social needs of the pupil concerned.
A place at Act Fast is offered through the SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Local authorities, Direct commissioning through schools.
Admissions & Learner Register
On taking up a place at Act Fast, an entry is made on the Admissions & Learner Register. The Admissions & Learner Register is held on electronic format on the school’s main database. The person responsible for the administration of the Admissions & Learner Register is the Business Manager.
The following items are recorded on the Admissions & Learner Register
· Full name.
· Gender.
· Name and address of all parents/guardians with an indication of the parent/guardian with whom the student normally resides.
· At least two telephone number at which the parent/guardian can be contacted in an emergency.
· Date of birth.
· Date of admission/re-admission.
· Name, address and where possible the telephone number of previous school.
· Safeguarding paperwork (within 5 days)
· Readiness to learn completed
· Attainment, Attendance, Exclusions
Copies of the Admissions & Learner Register will be held at the school for a minimum of 3 years and will be made available for inspection. The Admissions & Learner Register allows for the inclusion/deletion from the register and is done in line with the Education Pupil Registration (England) Regulations 2013.Government consultation 2022.
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