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Image by Dorota Dylka

Health and Wellbeing


Supporting wellbeing


Good staff wellbeing is essential for cultivating a mentally healthy school, for retaining and motivating staff and for promoting pupil wellbeing and attainment.


Wellbeing is all about our holistic health, including the physical and emotional. When we have good levels of wellbeing we feel that life is in balance and that we can generally cope well. We feel motivated and engaged, we’re resilient and able to deal effectively with daily troubles, as well as ’bounce back’ from life’s challenges.


Students who have struggled to cope with everyday life can often represent as defiant and non-engaged in academic studies which if left can impact on future achievements in life. Fostering a calm mind can reduce these negative situations and improve engagement and overall contentment.


You can click the images below to access some office based stretches and work outs!

Well Being Champion.jpg
hand yoga.png
yoga at your desk.png

Click here to view our Staff Wellbeing Policy

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Mens mental health

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