Intent, Implementation & Impact
By studying PSHE (personal, social, health and economic education) and RSHE (relationship, sex and health education), students develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. Act Fast recognises its responsibility to provide statutory Relationship, Sex and Health Education that prepares students to lead safe, fulfilling and enjoyable lives (Section 34 of the Children and Social Work Act 2017 provides for Relationships and Sex education to be taught in all schools in England). 
The PSHE and RSHE courses help students stay healthy, safe and prepared for life and work in modern Britain. RSE forms a vital part of our students' curriculum experience, and Personal Development education as children and young people grow up in an increasingly complex world. These subjects represent a huge opportunity to help our children and young people develop physically, socially, and emotionally. 
The Independent School Criteria covered in PSHE are: 
people and their environment; 
how human action, now and in the past, has influenced events and conditions; 
the rule of law; 
individual liberty; 
mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; 
self-knowledge, self- esteem and self-confidence; 
distinguish right from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law of England; 
accept responsibility for their behaviour; 
show initiative and understand how they can contribute positively; 
broad general knowledge of and respect for public institutions and services; 
further tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions; 
acquire an appreciation of and respect, for their own and other cultures; 
encourage respect for other people; 
encourage respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic process 
sex education.

How is this subject planned?
Curriculum is taught using the PSHE/RSHE Association guidance and resources, Hodder Education following the scheme of work. This ensures our learners start to school life is smooth – for example ‘New Beginnings’ and ‘Changes’. They also have designated No Outsiders texts appropriate to the age group.
Long term plans have been updated to reflect the statutory inclusion of RSHE. Units of work are taken from the PSHE Association Thematic
Model and each has a ‘No Outsiders’ text to support/complement it.
​ Teachers incorporate a focus on one of the school’s learning behaviours or values within their planning each term or half-term. These support the PSHE curriculum content.
How is this subject taught?
​ PSHE is predominantly taught through half term units of work, in weekly sessions or blocked units
Opportunities are taken to teach it through all areas of the curriculum, e.g., themed days/weeks, school trips and visits (including residential).
sporting fixtures, church services, assemblies, school productions and local events.
Circle time is established throughout the school and used to address PSHE themes. It is used for discussion and follows protocols with which the children become familiar and secure.

How is this subject assessed?
Formal and Informal assessments in PSHE are carried out through verbal conversations, Games at the start and end of every lesson with a reflection on the previous lesson as this development is an ongoing process, although over the year the school puts together a PSHE scrapbook of work along with creative boards.
Staff, parent, and child questionnaires provide insight into the effectiveness of PSHE teaching and learning and help establish areas for further development.
Verbal feedback from parents and visitors to the school is used to assess the effectiveness of elements of children’s PSHE development.
Learners personal and social development is reported verbally to parents via termly parents’ evenings and in writing through the annual end of-year report and calls home if needed.
How is this subject monitored?
This subject is in focus once every three years. When in focus there will be an action plan to develop the subject which will be monitored by governors on the curriculum committee and/or by foundation governors.
The subject leader is responsible for monitoring the planning, teaching, and assessment of the subject. This is achieved through conversations with the learners, their work evidence, and games like Kahoot pupil conferencing, questionnaires, discussions with teachers and liaison with governors.
Feedback from parents and support staff about children’s personal and social development is also discussed at staff meetings and supports the monitoring of PSHE provision. 

Curriculum and Progression Maps
Click the buttons below to view the curriculum maps below show the key topics and progression route for Maths
All students have a log in code for their personal active record and work flow. Click on the relevant Key Stage to access your personalised book.
24 Hour Curriculum
(Knowledge and Activity Cards)
Contact your PSHE and RSHE Learning Coach today!
