We greatly appreciate the feedback we receive from all parents, carers and other important individuals.
If you feel strongly about the way in which we work, please feel free to email us with the feedback. Let us know if you are happy for us to use your words on our websites.
"My son loves coming to Act Fast and there is a huge positive shift in his behaviour and attitude since he has started at the school."
"Massive thank you to all at Act Fast, especially for the endless hard work, planning and time given to help my son and me, especially given his behaviour. Your perseverance has been amazing. Thank you so much, each and every one of you.
"My son is really coming on in leaps and bounds and it's all thanks to your school and staff. We are just so grateful to everyone who has helped my son begin to enjoy learning again and also help settle him into his new routine. He is rather proud of his achievements today and was rather proud when showing me his certificates"
"My daughter is really enjoying Act Fast and talks positively about it. She is proud of herself as she is getting lots of praise"

"The student had terrible problems in the past. You are doing an amazing job at Act Fast. He has made unprecedented progress. He never attended school and now his attendance is at 93.2%. I never dreamed we would be in this position. The team has done something special to achieve this. You have all levelled the playing field for them"
"Staff teach pupils about healthy relationships, consent and different types of families. There is an impressive open culture in the
school, and pupils feel highly supported. The delivery model is exemplary."
“You have done everything that you possibly can.”